Thursday, September 25, 2008


This weekend had a date...kind of rough. It was a blind date, and won't go into details but HELLO?! Sometimes I wonder....anyway, saturday was way fun! Me and the roomies went to the Dixie Sun Bowl and it was so fun! Here are some pictures:

Everyone should go to the rodeo at least ONCE in their life. Especially in St. George! So perfect. More later!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Girls night out!!

Last weekend was sooo fun. Me and about 12 of the girls down here got together for a girls night out on the town. It was so much fun. Way too much laughing went down, good stories, good food at Olive Garden, and a dance party to boot. Funny college kind of kills your wallet, and I am prettyout of money right now so it was so funny to see everyone get this awesome pasta, and I got the cheapest soup there was. Yup, and that's what college books and fees will do to ya!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ugh times 10.

Dear knee,

I really like you when you are functioning right, and I really, REALLY don't like you when you are malfunctioning like you are. I would really like it if you would get better so I don't have to book it across campus in the heat on crutches. Lucky for you and me, the wonderful people at the Disability Resource Center are going to drive me from class to class. I would sincerely appreciate your cooperation in keeping up with my busy life and helping not hindering me. Thank you for your help...when you are helping, which is not right now.

Love, Chels