Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back again!!

Well has been a long time since I have been able to post on here.. Unfortunately I got really sick last semester and to do a complete withdraw. I am happy to be back though now!! Dixie was seriously so awesome to help me out in so many areas and I am glad to be a full time student back in St. George. A lot of my classes I am having to take over, but I am excited for my new scuba diving class I am taking, and also I am taking a few really awesome choirs. One in the Rebel Chorus, and one is The Vocal Jazz Project. Peter Briggs is an AMAZING choir director who really knows his stuff. If you wanna get the fundamentals of singing down....he is your guy. He has done a lot of awesome stuff, including directing "The Messiah" which I went and saw here at Dixie and it was breath taking! More later!

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